Local plan evidence base

Landscape and settlement character assessment study (2022)

The study is formed of two parts:

  • part 1 - the landscape and settlement character assessment - this sets out how physical and cultural influences have combined to create the unique character of the study area’s landscape

Download part 1

  • part 2 - the landscape strategy - this provides guidance for managing landscape change within each of the 7 landscape character types (and their component landscape character areas, where appropriate) identified in part 1 of the study

Download part 2

The evidence provided by the study will be used by the council to inform planning decisions about where new development should be located, and also to help shape the policy approach to landscape and settlement character in the new local plan with respect to design, place-making and green infrastructure considerations in particular.

The study also provides a basis for developing an integrated, positive approach to managing landscape change by all those involved with, or that have an interest in, the planning, design and management of the borough’s landscapes.