Selling goods, services and works to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council
The way we buy, or procure, is evolving in line with the new Procurement Act 2023
We spend approximately £12 million to £14 million per year on goods, works and services, across a wide variety of categories ranging from utilities, waste, finance, construction and IT services.
Our Service Leads, Commercial and Procurement Team(s) drives procurement and contract management and supports the process of engaging with our providers to select, award, and manage agreements to deliver value for money for residents of the Borough. Whilst having commercial expertise, deep knowledge of product and service categories, and access to national buying power, Officers seek to maximise our spending power so that delivery of our commissioned activities is established and managed to provide optimum quality, efficiency and outcomes for our communities.
We also work closely with our partners, for example:
- other local authorities
- the NHS
- colleges and universities
- the Local Government Association (LGA)
- central government
We have regard to the Local Government Association (LGA) national procurement strategy.
The way we buy, or procure, is evolving
We must follow key procurement and contracts legislation, and the new Procurement Act 2023 will come into force in 2024. Whilst the Act is a complex set of procurement law for high value procurements, the government is providing general informative guidance for the supply market to support the implementation. This includes an animation for
- providers
- small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs)
These summarise the new Procurement Act, and give next steps and timelines, outline the support which will be made available, and provide suggestions for initial steps to help prepare.
Also available is a short guide for suppliers.
Notwithstanding the high value project work, it is important that the salient parts of all procurement processes are briefly outlined in these web pages to provide as much key information as necessary to both the public and to the prospective market provider looking to do business with us.