Allotment do’s and don'ts
- Keep the plot cultivated at all times and free from weeds and in a clean and tidy condition
- Keep rubbish to a minimum
- Keep paths between your plot and your neighbours in tidy condition
- Pay your rent on time
- Keep gates locked on site at all times
- Keep equipment away from access routes and locked up when not in use
- Contact the allotment officer if you wish to change address, site or vacate your plot
- Get involved in the allotment forum or working party if you wish
- Enjoy your allotment and the produce you grow
- Erect sheds or other constructions without prior approval
- Light bonfires unless during allotted times
- Plant trees on allotment sites
- Use your allotment for business or retail purposes
- Bring domestic refuse onto allotment sites
- Leave chemicals in allotment sheds, keep them at home in a safe place