Plant a Bloomin Tree

The Newcastle in Bloom ‘Plant a Bloomin Tree’ initiative and the Borough’s Urban Tree Planting Strategy were launched in November 2021 as part of National Tree Week.
The project will help to create carbon capture green spaces to help mitigate the effects of climate change and become a carbon neutral council by 2030.
Trees will be the theme for our forthcoming Bloom campaign.
Our aim
It is our aim to give every primary school in the borough the opportunity to be involved in tree planting, whether it be independently in their own school grounds or co-ordinated through us on our land.
We will also be encouraging community groups and borough residents to plant trees in their own community spaces and gardens.
We also hope to plant at least 850 trees throughout the borough to link with the 850th anniversary of the Newcastle Charter in 2023.
Trees play a vital role in our environment providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife. It is hoped that this initiative will educate the wider community and highlight the importance and benefits of the biggest plants on our planet.
Bloomin treemendous!
In early 2022, we planted native trees or orchards at a small number of sites in the borough as the second phase of the Urban Tree Planting Strategy gets underway.
Plant a tree
We will be keeping a log of the trees planted using our ‘tree totaliser’ where the number of trees planted will be recorded along with their location.
If you have planted a tree you can log it on the Queen's Green Canopy website. This will then show on our tree totaliser.
Further information
Find out more about the Queen’s Green Canopy campaign.
Schools and community groups can still apply for free trees.
Contact us
If this project is something you would like to get involved in then please contact us: