Anti fraud and anti corruption framework - Policies and strategies
- Description
In administering its aims and responsibilities the Council is totally committed to deterring fraud and corruption whether it is attempted on or from within the Council and is committed to an effective anti-fraud and corruption strategy .
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council fully recognises its responsibility in relation to the spending of public money and is committed to the fullest support for members and staff in upholding the reputation of the Council and maintaining public confidence in its integrity.
The culture and procedures of the Council are intended to ensure that high standards in public life apply throughout the organisation. The Council is aware of the importance of ensuring that members and staff are fully aware of their personal responsibilities. The key documents which encompass those personal responsibilities are referred to below:
- Standing Orders,
- National Code of Local Government Conduct,
- Financial Regulations,
- Employees Code of Conduct
- Terms of Reference of Committees, and
- Scheme of Delegation.
The Council also expects that individuals and organisations (for instance suppliers/contractors) which it comes into contact with, will act towards the Council with integrity and without thought or actions involving fraud or corruption. The Council in turn will endeavour to ensure that all of its dealings will be on the same basis.
In administering its aims and responsibilities the Council is totally committed to deterring fraud and corruption whether it is attempted on or from within the Council and is committed to an effective anti-fraud and anti-corruption strategy designed to:-
- limit, as far as possible, the opportunities to commit fraudulent acts - prevention,
- enable any such acts to be detected at an early stage, and
- deal with any subsequent investigations in a prompt, thorough and professional manner.
Overall responsibility for dealing with fraud and corruption rests with the Corporate Director of Resources who is the nominated Section 151 Officer having a statutory duty under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 to ensure that there are proper arrangements in place to administer the Council’s financial affairs. He is therefore the principal contact for all staff and members.
Internal scrutiny of the Council’s various activities occurs as a result of:-
- the Corporate Director of Resources’ Section 151 responsibilities and Section 114 Local Government Finance Act 1988 responsibilities,
- the establishment of sound Internal Audit arrangements in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 (amended 2006), and
- the responsibilities placed on the Legal Services Manager as Monitoring Officer under Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
External scrutiny of the Council’s various activities occurs as a result of involvement by:-
- Local Government Ombudsman,
- External Auditor,
- Audit Commission,
- Central Government Departments and Parliamentary Committees,
- HM Customs and Excise,
- Inland Revenue,
- The Department of Work and Pensions, or
- The General Public.
This Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Strategy is based on a series of comprehensive and inter-related procedures designed to frustrate any attempted fraudulent or corrupt act. These cover:-
- Culture, section 2.0,
- Prevention, section 3.0,
- Detection and investigation, section 4.0, and
- Training, section 5.0.
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