Hairdressing business registration and inspection

The purpose of the registration is to provide information about your hairdressing businesses so that we can ensure that the facilities, equipment and procedures used are safe, hygienic and prevent the spread of disease.

Premises may be subject to inspection.

What are the requirements?

We have adopted byelaws for the purpose of securing satisfactory standards in registered premises. The byelaws were originally designed to cover fixed premises only, but the provisions relating to equipment, practices and personal hygiene are equally relevant to mobile hairdressers.

A person who is registered is required to display a copy of the registration certificate and of the byelaws.

The general duty of care of employers, employees and self-employed people required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is also very important.

Apply for or renew registration

Apply for registration on Gov.UK

Renew your registration on Gov.UK