The Kidsgrove Town Deal
Kidsgrove Town Deal timeline
The government announces details of 100 new ‘Town Deals’ as part of a commitment to ensuring that communities across the UK could benefit from shared prosperity. Kidsgrove, along with Newcastle, was one of the lucky 100.
November: The council is awarded £140,000 capacity funding, which is used to appoint consultants AECOM to bring in the necessary expertise to work with the council, the Town Deal board and the local community to produce a Town Investment Plan.
January: A Kidsgrove Town Deal board is formed. The boundary for the Kidsgrove Town Deal is approved by government.
Spring: A call for project ideas from the community, of which 22 suggestions were received.
Summer: Working with the Borough Council and consultants, AECOM, the board worked hard to put together a ‘Town Investment Plan’ (TIP) that would bring real and lasting economic benefits to Kidsgrove and the surrounding area.
July: Kidsgrove is awarded £750,000 Advanced Town Deal funding. Town Deal Board approves expenditure on a ’Sports Village’ project and leisure facilities in Kidsgrove’s public parks.
October: The TIP is submitted
March: The Kidsgrove Town Deal Board receives an offer of £16.9m to deliver the projects outlined in the TIP.
April: The Kidsgrove Sports Centre project is designated ‘Fast Track’ and the Business Case is submitted and approved by government.
June: Official opening of Pump Track in Newchapel Rec.
August: A business case is submitted and approved for the Chatterley Valley West project.
February: Two day consultation on Station, Shared Service Hub and canal projects.
March: Business cases submitted for Kidsgrove Station and Canal Enhancement projects.
June: Business case submitted for Shared Service Hub.
July: Official opening of the Kidsgrove Sports Centre.
September: Negotiations underway for purchase of land for Shared Service Hub.
November: Public event for Shared Service Hub.
September: Canal enhancement works begin
Autumn: Canal enhancement will be completed.
Work continues on all projects to bring them to completion.
March: End date for Town Deal funding