Audley rural neighbourhood plan examination

The examination

Independent examiner Mr John Slater BA(Hons), DMS, MRTPI has been appointed by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to carry out the examination of the plan.

The purpose of the examination is to test whether the draft neighbourhood plan, submitted for examination, meets the basic conditions, and other matters set out in paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

The comments received in response to the Regulation 16 public consultation will also be considered by the independent examiner.

There is more information on neighbourhood plans and the examination process on the Gov.UK website.

Introductory notes

Introductory notes produced by the appointed examiner on how the examination will be conducted can be downloaded:

Download the notes

Additional details will be published on this page as the examination progresses in the coming weeks.

Inspector's initial comments

On 16 January 2025, the initial comments of the independent examiner have been received and are available to download below. Over the period to 7 February, the Parish Council and Borough Council will be considering their responses as appropriate, and these will also be published in due course.

Download the initial comments

Contact us

For further information please contact the Planning Policy Team: