Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent urban design guidance supplementary planning document (SPD)

Urban design supplementary planning document (SPD)

Full urban design SPD

The full urban design SPD can be downloaded:

Download the design document

This version is interactive and is the final adopted version, which was produced following the end of the public consultation on the draft SPD.

Please note: this is a large PDF document with interactive features and as such you may find it easier to download and view in your own area.

We have a limited number of CDs available, at a cost of £2.25 each (to cover the cost of production and printing). The CD comes in a printed summary document.

Conservation area boundary

Please note: the conservation area boundary for Newcastle town centre is not very clear in the ‘centres’ chapter. You can download the most up to date town centre conservation area boundary document:

Download the boundary document