About sustainability

Relevant documents

Sesdp cover photo

Sustainable environment strategy and delivery plan (SESDP)

This plan was adopted by our cabinet in June 2024. It encompasses the actions the council and borough need to achieve to become

  • a net zero council by 2030
  • a net zero borough by 2030
  • a borough that promotes the natural environment and sequestration
  • a borough that engages with sustainability and changes behaviours

This strategy and plan will be reviewed by a monthly meeting with every service to be reviewed and updated by the Scrutiny Committee every 6 months and by cabinet every year.

Download the sustainable environment strategy and delivery plan

Site heat and fleet decarbonisation roadmap

In October 2023, our cabinet adopted the site heat and fleet decarbonisation roadmap which was commissioned by us to map how we are going to achieve the decarbonisation of our fleet and flagship buildings. 

You can download the site heat decarbonisation roadmap from the ModernGov website:

Download the site heat decarbonisation roadmap

You can also download the fleet decarbonisation roadmap from the ModernGov website:

Download the fleet decarbonisation roadmap

Grassland management strategy

Our cabinet adopted the grassland management strategy in April 2024. This new strategy aims to increase local biodiversity and societal mental health and wellbeing through the recovery of natural habitats like grasslands, whilst also allowing us to focus on priority developments around the borough.

By growing long meadows and wildflowers in green spaces around the borough we can increase local wildlife and pollinator species, social wellbeing and natural awareness, the borough's resilience against climate change, and the sequestration and storage of carbon.

You can download the grassland management strategy and policy documents:

Download the grassland management strategy

Download the grassland management policy
(link to a PDF document on an external web site)

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