Council Tax support scheme

Who can claim Council Tax reduction?

Anyone who has a liability to pay Council Tax can apply for local Council Tax reduction, even if you already get a discount on your Council Tax. For example, if you live alone and receive a single person's discount. 

People of pensionable age and working age can both apply.

  • pensionable age customers will have their entitlement assessed under the default national rules
  • working age customers, however, will be assessed under our banded scheme regulations. A copy of these regulations can be downloaded.

Download the regulations

Summary of the regulations

In summary, the main elements of our banded scheme is:

  • anyone with capital and or savings over £6000 cannot qualify for any help
  • additional help for anyone in receipt of war pensions
  • additional help is provided where the applicant or their partner is disabled
  • for customers who are working a disregard is applied to their earnings