Experience Newcastle
More people living and working in our town
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and partners have an extensive programme for regeneration and growth of our town centre.
Working with businesses through the Newcastle Business Improvement District (BID), Staffordshire County Council, Aspire Housing, Keele University and the local community, we have targeted action to make Newcastle-under-Lyme a vibrant destination and unique visitor experience.
Our town centre offers a place where everyone can live, work, shop, study and spend their leisure time. It has great retail, public service, leisure, cultural, business and residential facilities that work for local residents and attract visitors and businesses to the town centre.
- Future High Streets Fund - investing £11m of capital grant in redevelopment of key town centre sites
- Newcastle Town Deal - investing £23.6m of capital grant in strategic developments and projects in Newcastle
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund - investing £4.8m of revenue grant in projects that will deliver programmes of interventions to people and skills, businesses and communities and places.