Trading at a market
General market
The General Market is held four times a week on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Opening times
It operates from 9am to 4pm each day selling a wide range of goods.
How much does a stall cost?
Stalls are free on Monday, £12 on Wednesday and £22 on Friday and Saturday and from £12 every Wednesday. Introductory stall fee discounts are available for traders that are new to the general market or are selling goods that are not already available on the market.
If you are new to trading at the market, we offer a new trader initiative of £5 a stall for a 16 week period. This is to establish your fledgling business with no obligation to stay after 16 weeks.
Further information
As well as the spaces for regular trading there are stalls and trading pitches available for daily, weekly or seasonal use for both sales and promotional activity. Please contact the market supervisor for further details.