Kidsgrove Town Deal project: Kidsgrove Station
The Town Investment Plan for Kidsgrove has three objectives to help drive regeneration in the area.
The Kidsgrove Station project sits under objective 2 - to create a connected, accessible town centre.
The projects in this objective will help to link key places and promote active travel (e.g. walking and cycling).
The Town Deal investment of £3.65m will help deliver an improved, modern station building, a new transport interchange, and a 200-space car park. There will also be better access to the nearby Trent and Mersey Canal. The project is currently experiencing a delay whilst potential mining issues are investigated.
East Midlands Railway and Network Rail are managing the project, in collaboration with The Town Deal Board.
Current sub-group membership
East Midland Railway (representatives vary based on current project requirements)
Network Rail representatives (representatives vary based on current project requirements)
Staffordshire County Council (representatives vary based on current project requirements)
Kidsgrove Town Deal Board
Brian Meredith - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (officer support)