Track, inspect and comment on a planning application
What you can comment on
Planning applications are decided only based on material considerations that must be relevant to making the planning decision in question and relates to matters of public interest such as:
- the effect on a neighbour's daylight, sunlight or privacy
- the impact on traffic, road access, parking and servicing
- layout and density of buildings
- design, appearance and materials
- impact such as noise generated by the proposal
- nature conservation
We cannot consider non-planning issues such as:
- loss of view
- the effect on property values
- land ownership or restrictive covenants
- personal circumstances (unless exceptional such as relating to a physical disability)
- competition between rival businesses
- matters controlled under other legislation such as building regulations
If you are unsure what matters can be taken into consideration, you should speak to the case officer. This can be in person or by arranging a meeting.