Call for sites

Brownfield call for sites

As we develop the Newcastle-under-Lyme local plan, which allocates sites for development up to 2040, we are keen ensure that each new development makes the best use of available land.

In order to reduce the amount of greenfield land required for these developments, we want to identify as many brownfield sites as possible for housing and commercial use.

What is a brownfield site?

In planning, brownfield land is any previously developed land that is not currently in use.

For the purposes of this call for sites, we are looking for land that is either underused or vacant, including sites that will become vacant over the next 5-10 years.

How to submit a brownfield site for consideration

Please submit a site online.

If you need to request a printed version of the form, or to tell us about a site without all the detail - please email us at 

Hasn’t this been done already?

We have had an open call for sites since the start of the borough local plan in 2021. We are further advertising this specifically for brownfield sites to make sure we have knowledge of all possible development options before presenting the preferred options for development at the next stage of consultation on the local plan in the Spring.

What if I don’t own the land?

Derelict, poorly maintained, or underutilised land can be a blight on the landscape and local community and therefore we would still encourage the public to bring these sites to our attention. Officers can undertake proactive work such as land registry searches to identify landowners and work with them to bring the site back into use or allocate it for redevelopment.

What if I have already submitted a site?

There is no need to resubmit any site which has been formally submitted since 2021.

What if I have a site that isn’t brownfield to submit?

We are accepting the submission of all types of sites in the borough for development, but we are prioritising identification of previously developed land.

How do I know if my site has been submitted?

We have a database of sites and will have collected any suggestions made during the local plan issues and options consultation, any submissions made through the website and confirmation of sites received from landowners and developers following correspondence in summer 2021. Most sites are shown in our strategic housing land availability assessment which is in the process of being updated. If  you are still unsure please contact the policy team at 

What happens next?

We will assess each submission on its suitability for development and follow up on individual submissions if we need any further information.