Chapel and Hill Chorlton, Maer and Aston and Whitmore neighbourhood plan

Regulation 17: examination

On 29 June 2019 we appointed Christopher Collison BA (Hons) MBA MRTPI MIED MCMI IHBC, with the agreement of the qualifying body, to undertake the examination of the Chapel and Hill Chorlton, Maer and Aston and Whitmore neighbourhood plan.

The examiner’s initial letter dated 2 July 2019 set out how he conducted the examination. In his initial letter, the examiner provided the qualifying body with the opportunity of commenting on the representations received at the regulation 16 stage.

The examiner wrote to us and the qualifying body on 15 July 2019 requesting clarifications on a number of matters. A copy of the response to the clarifications was submitted on 29 July 2019.

The examiner also sent a letter dated 17 July 2019 to us and the qualifying body inviting participation in fact checking.

The correspondence with the examiner can be downloaded:

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