Local Plan interactive map

What is on the map?

The interactive map covers the borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and provides a map key showing the following information:


  • Newcastle-under-Lyme borough
  • Newcastle-under-Lyme electoral wards
  • Green belt
  • Development boundaries (urban and rural)

Development plan policies

  • Madeley neighbourhood development plan
  • Loggerheads neighbourhood development plan
  • Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill neighbourhood development plan

Local plan evidence

  • Strategic housing and employment land availability assessment (sites assessed)
  • Playing pitch strategy 2020 (pitches)
  • Open space strategy 2022 (sites)
  • Landscape character assessment 2022

Environmental designations

  • Sites of special scientific interest
  • Ramsar
  • Site of biological importance
  • Biodiversity alert sites
  • Regionally important geological structures
  • Local nature reserves
  • Ancient woodland
  • Urban tree planting
  • Air quality management areas

Heritage information

  • Conservation areas
  • Listed buildings
  • Locally listed buildings and structures
  • Registered parks and gardens
  • Scheduled ancient monuments

The local plan interactive map will continue to be updated as the emerging local plan progresses, and will eventually replace the proposals maps currently published on the current development plan webpage. Once the emerging local plan is adopted, the local plan interactive map should be used in conjunction with it.

Download the proposals maps