Housing benefits and Council Tax reductions privacy notice
How we share your data
Where necessary, information may be shared with partners and other organisations that provide services on our behalf. In such cases, the information provided is only the minimum necessary to enable them to provide services to you. These organisations are required to retain your information in a secure manner and only use it to undertake the services they provide to you.
We are also required by law to protect the public funds we administer and may share information provided to us with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds in order to prevent and detect fraud. More information is available from the National Fraud Initiative website.
If the information we intend to share is of a sensitive, personal nature we will only share it with partner organisations if we have obtained your consent or unless we are legally required, or enabled, to share it. We have an information sharing protocol with local partners under which our partners agree to similar commitments toward privacy, security and transparency.
DWP sometimes needs information about people other than the person who has applied for a benefit or service to work out what that person is entitled to. For example, where a person makes a claim for Universal Credit, we need information about other people who live in the same household to work out how much the person will be paid.
Personal information about you may also be provided to other local authorities. For example, if you have moved from one local authority to another and the new authority requires confirmation of the services you were receiving.
At no time will your information be passed to organisations external to us or our partners for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior explicit consent.