Air quality management
How can we help to improve air quality?
There are lots of things we can all do to help improve our air quality.
One of the biggest ways we can make a difference is to reduce the number of car journeys we make by switching to public transport, walking or cycling. This has the added benefit of improving your health.
Even if you walk or cycle on a busy road, you are less at risk from health-threatening pollutants than when you’re inside a vehicle. You may not see or smell it inside the car, but you are still breathing pollution.
Car-sharing, turning your engine off when you’re not moving and choosing a low or zero emission vehicle are other things we can also do to help.
If you’re a business or employer, you could set up schemes to support car sharing or incentives for staff to use public transport or cycle to work. You could introduce flexible working so that people can choose to travel outside of peak travel times, or allow staff to work from home.
Further information
For more information, see the clean air hub website.