A net-zero Newcastle

What are scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?

Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions categories are the different ways of how we produce different greenhouse gases.

These relate to the scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of an organisation such as ourselves.

Scope 1 emissions

This covers the direct emissions we contribute to our atmosphere such as our vehicle fleet and our buildings.

Scope 2 emissions

This covers the indirect emissions under our control such as employees that commute to work and the energy we purchase/source for our buildings and vehicles.

Scope 3 emissions

This covers the indirect emissions that we can influence such as the goods we purchase for the organisation and our investments.

Organisation's scopes of emissions

Scopes of emissions

The image depicts three sections.

The first depicts industry with smokestacks, an HGV and buildings and reads 'Scope 1, direct, emissions from sources (on site)' with an arrow pointing upwards.

The second depicts a building with lights on, a plug and cable, an electricity tower, a wind turbine and a steam tower and reads 'Scope 2, indirect, emissions from energy/utilities' with an arrow pointing upwards.

The third depicts a plane, a city, a tractor, a tower with smoke coming out of it, cogs, a construction crane, a car, and a shipping container boat and reads 'Scope 3, indirect, emissions of the chain supply or service' with an arrow pointing upwards.

Above the upwards arrows from each section is a dark cluster of clouds with listed gases that reads 'CO2, SF6, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PCFs and NF3'.

Find out more

Watch this video:

You can also read this briefing from the Carbon Trust - what are scope 3 emissions?

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