ActiveLife: Adult Exercise Referral Programme

Who can be referred?

The programme is aimed at Newcastle under Lyme residents, to help them improve, manage, or prevent health conditions such as diabetes, impaired mobility, COPD, asthma, depression, hypertension, obesity, stroke recovery, and controlled coronary heart disease. Residents must be in a stable condition, safe to exercise and not awaiting further investigation.

Inclusion criteria

  • you are aged 16 years plus
  • you are not a current member of Jubilee2
  • you take part in less than 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week
  • your medical condition is stable
  • you have not been a member of or been on any programme at Jubilee2 in the past 3 months
  • must live in the borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme
  • BMI 40 plu

Eligible medical conditions for self-referral

  • diabetes (medicated)
  • chronic lower back pain (longer than 3 months)
  • osteoarthritis (knee and/or hip)
  • poor balance or mobility
  • osteoporosis
  • hypertension (medicated)
  • BMI 40 plus
  • stroke

The following medical conditions are also eligible via health referral only, or a referral from a health professional: 

  • heart disease
  • respiratory disease
  • cancer
  • long covid (referrals only accepted via MPFT)
  • BMI 40 plus
  • knee and hip replacement (post 6 weeks)
  • mental health disorder (for example, anxiety, stress or depression)
  • dementia 

Exclusion criteria

The following are absolute contra indications for exercise: 

  • hypertension rest SP >180 or DBP >100 BPM
  • symptomatic hypotension - significant drop in BP during exercise or dizziness or light-headedness
  • pain, dizziness or excessive breathlessness experienced during exertion
  • other rapidly progressing terminal illness
  • any unstable or uncontrolled condition
  • unstable angina (risk of provoking ischaemia or MI)
  • unstable or acute heart failure - pitting oedema, dyspnoea
  • unstable diabetes
  • new or uncontrolled arrhythmias (irregular pulse, atrial fibrillation, heart block, new bradycardia)
  • tachycardias (resting HR >100 BPM)
  • febrile illness (flu/fever)
  • individuals experiencing acute uncontrolled psychiatric conditions
  • any other condition that restricts ability to exercise safely