Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Existing organisational policies and procedures
The following policies and procedures are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate and coordinated action is taken throughout the business in respect of modern slavery.
Whistleblowing policy
Our whistle blowing confidential reporting policy encourages all our employees (as well as anyone else we deal with) to come forward and voice any serious concerns about any aspect of our work.
The policy sets out a process for raising concerns which complies with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 so that employees may make disclosures, if necessary, without fear of reprisal or victimisation.
Safeguarding our most vulnerable residents is a priority for us, including children and vulnerable adults.
There are clear and agreed policies for safeguarding that have clear pathways for all modern slavery referrals into social care and wider services.
Employee code of conduct
In order to ensure the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour, our employee code of conduct sets out the actions and behaviours expected of our employees.
We also have a process in place for employees to make declarations of outside interests where appropriate including other paid employment.
Corporate complaints
We operate a robust corporate complaints process to manage any complaints about our services.
This process can also be used to report community concerns that may relate to or uncover modern slavery and which merit investigation or reporting to a partner agency.
Recruitment procedure
Our recruitment processes are transparent and reviewed regularly. This includes robust procedures in place for vetting new employees and confirming their identities and qualifications, their right to work, and that they are paid directly into an appropriate, personal bank account.
Agency/temporary staff and workers procedure
We also use agencies to source additional workforce and labour capacity. Where this is a requirement, these are primarily engaged through our formally procured managed service provider.
We encourage the reporting of suspected cases of modern slavery or human trafficking, including through our whistleblowing policy in relation to our practices or that of our suppliers.
If you suspect someone may be at risk of modern slavery, please telephone 101 to report it to Staffordshire Police, or if someone is in immediate danger always call 999.
Crimes can be anonymously reported via:
- Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
- the government's modern slavery website
- the modern slavery hotline on 0800 0121 700
We support the principles of equal pay and operate a non-discriminatory and objective job evaluation system. We also take a robust approach to ensuring that this system is applied consistently and transparently across the organisation.