Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Risk assessment and due diligence
As part of our due diligence processes, we require our suppliers to demonstrate their commitment and approach to supporting the elimination of slavery. We screen our suppliers as part of the procurement process. It is intended this activity will be extended to include contract management activity in the future.
The due diligence measures to detect and eliminate slavery will be developed over time to be guided by risk assessment. The nature of business carried out by us means that the risk of slavery is considered low, however we acknowledge that it is necessary to remain vigilant to any potential risk.
We are committed to ensuring modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in any of our supply chains.
We already:
- scrutinise low priced tenders
- apply the mandatory or discretionary exclusion criteria from Crown Commercial Service 4 stipulations
- score and clarify appropriately focused slavery criteria and review our contract terms and conditions for appropriate clauses for inclusion to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act
- are currently reviewing these terms and conditions to also be applicable to sub-contractors in the supply chain
- where appropriate, will investigate supplier and supply-chain working conditions