Council Tax charges
Council tax is the way you help pay for local services we provide. Each council sets the level of council tax in its own area but the amount you pay depends on the value of your property.
Our council tax summary explains how council tax is calculated and how it is spent.
Empty properties
Under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023, councils were given the discretion to charge additional council tax premiums.
At our meeting of cabinet on 14 February 2024, our elected members voted to use our discretionary powers granted under Section 11C and 11D of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to charge the following:
- With effect 1 April 2024, after 1 year (instead of 2) of being empty, a property will now be charged 100% premium in addition to the 100% Council Tax currently charged.
- With effect 1 April 2025, all furnished homes which are not someone’s sole or main residence (commonly referred to as second homes) will be charged 100% premium in addition to the 100% Council Tax currently charged.
If you own an empty property, please see our information about discounts and charges.