Council Tax charges

Property bands

Property valuations for council tax purposes have been carried out by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). Each property has been valued and placed in a bands depending on its value on the open market at 1 April 1991.

Your property band will be shown on your bill. Or you can use your postcode to find out online.

The VOA maintain the Council Tax Valuation List. This includes placing new properties within a Council Tax band and changing bands for properties when necessary. The VOA have information on their website to help you understand why your property is in a certain band.

If you think your property is in the wrong band, please view our appeals page for further information.

Are you struggling to pay your Council Tax?

If you are worried about paying your Council Tax bill we may be able to reduce it. Many people do not know about these benefits while others think that they will not be entitled because they have a retirement pension and a few savings.

View discounts and exemptions