The mayor

How is the mayor chosen?

The mayor and deputy mayor are elected each year by our elected members at the annual meeting, held in May.

What does the mayor do?

The mayor is the first citizen of the borough. They represent the borough at civic functions and are also happy to attend events and occasions in the borough. If the mayor is not available, the deputy mayor can attend instead.

The mayor will also host fundraising events to raise money for their chosen charities.

Who is the current mayor and deputy mayor?

The current mayor is Councillor Barry Panter.

The current deputy mayor is Councillor Robert Bettley-Smith

How do I contact the mayor?

If you would like to contact the mayor or invite the mayor to your function, please contact the Civic and Member Support Officer:

  • Email:
  • Post: The Worshipful the Mayor, Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 1BL