Abandoned cars and vehicles
Report an abandoned vehicle
What we can't help with
Before you report an abandoned vehicle, please consider if this is nuisance parking instead. We do not have the powers to remove a vehicle in this instance. Please visit the Staffordshire County Council website to report problems such as:
Is the abandoned vehicle causing a dangerous obstruction?
Please report the abandoned vehicle to the police if the vehicle is:
- in a dangerous position
- causing an obstruction on the highway
- thought to be stolen or involved in crime.
Known abandoned vehicles
Any reports of abandoned vehicles that we receive will be logged on a map. Please check the map before submitting a report (this link will open in a new window) as the abandoned vehicle may already be known to us.
Submitting a report to us
The easiest way to report an abandoned car or vehicle to us is using our online form. Please make sure you have read our guidance about identifying an abandoned car or vehicle and have all the information you need to make a submission, including a photo of the vehicle.
What information we will need
When you report an abandoned vehicle to us, you will be asked to provide as much of the following information about the vehicle as possible, this helps us to deal with your report efficiently.
You will need:
- a digital photo of the vehicle
- make and model (for example Ford Fiesta)
- colour of the vehicle
- registration number (if visible)
- location details of the vehicle
- condition of vehicle
What happens next?
An officer will assess your report to see what action, if any, is required.
If the vehicle is on private land, we will need permission from the landowner before action can be taken. If permission is not granted, a notice can be served on the landowner requiring them to remove the vehicle.
Our officers have a set process to follow when investigating whether a vehicle is abandoned.
- Warning sticker is affixed to the vehicle – if owner makes contact this may complete the case and no further action can be taken. An Officer may contact you to confirm if vehicle is still present.
- If the vehicle remains at the location then a 7/15day notice will be issued on the vehicle. The notice duration is dependant upon land ownership – if the owner makes contact this may complete the case and no further action may be taken.
- Letter sent to registered keeper asking to remove within 10 working days. If contact is made no further action can be taken.
- Removal of Vehicle and Fixed Penalty Notice issued.
Our officers will provide updates to the customer throughout the process.