Kidsgrove Town Deal project: Canal enhancement
The town investment plan (TIP) for Kidsgrove has three objectives to help drive regeneration in the area.
The canal enhancement project sits under objective 2 - to create a connected, accessible town centre. The projects in this objective will help to link key places and promote active travel (e.g. walking and cycling).
Aim of the project
The aim of the canal project is to provide a safe, attractive, canal corridor and an alternative off-road routeway.
It will be an opportunity for Kidsgrove town centre to make the most of its heritage and green spaces around the canal. This will help to make it a more desirable place in which to live and invest.
It is one of several projects which aim to increase footfall, link to other areas of interest, promote walking and cycling, improve recreational opportunities and promote future development, whilst retaining the heritage and uniqueness of Kidsgrove.
Project sub-groups
Individual sub-groups were set up for each project to develop the business cases. The business cases had to be approved by government before any funding was released. This was to ensure that the projects represented good value for money and could be delivered on time. The project sub-group will continue to meet regularly to monitor progress and will do so for the lifetime of the funding agreement (to March 2026).
Current sub-group membership
- James Dennison (Chair) - Canal and River Trust (board member)
- Simon Martin - Canal and River Trust (board member alternate)
- Will Spencer - Staffordshire County Council
- Sam Smith - Stoke-on-Trent City Council
- Trudi Barnard - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (officer support)
- Brian Meredith - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (officer support)