Newcastle-under-Lyme Town Deal projects

Accelerated funding

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) allocated some extra funding to every town selected to work towards a Town Deal. The amount depended on their population size. Newcastle-under-Lyme received £1m.

The early investment was intended to kick-start activity in towns and high streets across the country. This ensured that local people could see and feel the benefit as soon as possible. Funded projects had to be paid for by 31 March 2021.

The Town Deal Board considered and approved the proposed projects on 23 July 2020. Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council submitted details of the proposals to MHCLG on 11 August 2020.

A team of officers and Cabinet members delivered the projects, with the Town Deal Board providing oversight of progress. Capital investment in health and well-being interventions was prioritised to address local issues. The grant funding was used to deliver projects in two distinct packages.

Package 1: land and property acquisition and demolition

This package comprises three projects:

  • revitalising Newcastle Town Centre through the demolition of the former Zanzibar nightclub which has been vacant for approximately 16 years and is located in a prominent position on the A52 - a key route into Newcastle town centre. The building was recently purchased by AspireHousing who have plans to redevelop the site to provide older person’s accommodation as well as live/work units and small industrial units for start-up businesses and ‘move-up’ accommodation for incubator/innovation focused businesses

  • kick starting housing development in deprived areas with the acquisition and demolition of a vacant and derelict building in Knutton. The first phase of the masterplan involves the development of new social and market housing alongside the development of a community heart

  • providing routes to training and employment - Re-purposing of Lancaster Building to provide a partnership employment and support service in Newcastle town centre

Package 2: addressing connectivity and safety challenges

This package comprises three projects:

  • expanding the Newcastle-Under-Lyme e-scooter trial. Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council is working with the Department for Transport as part of the Staffordshire e-scooter pilot scheme. Advance payment funding will be used to expand the proposed trial in Newcastle by increasing the number of e-scooters and charging points

  • safe and secure routes into Newcastle town centre - Advance payment monies would also be used to progress design work for the at-grade crossings proposed as part of the Newcastle-Under-Lyme Town Deal

  • public WiFi - The Town Deal Advance payment will be used to expand town centre WiFi coverage to key parts of the town centre currently outside of the existing scheme such as Merrial Street, Corporation Street, Liverpool Road and to the Rycroft site which is the focal point of Newcastle-Under-Lyme’s Future High Street Fund bid