Local plan examination

We submitted our local plan (2020-2040) to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination on the 20 December 2024.

Planning Inspector

Inspector A Jordan (BA Hons) MRTPI has been appointed to consider the local plan and its supporting evidence and decide whether the plan meets the soundness and legal compliance tests.

The inspector will consider the comments made as part of the consultation on the Regulation 19 final draft local plan and identify various matters, issues and questions to consider as part of the examination.

The examination process

Information about the examination process can be found on the Gov.UK web site.

View the process

Guidance for Programme Offcers

The process information also includes the procedure guide for local plan examinations:

Download the guidance

Guide to taking part in examinations

Also available is 'Local plans: taking part in examinations'.  This is a helpful guide to the whole process for those taking part in the examination.

View the guide

Programme Officer

Carole Crookes has been appointed as the programme officer for the examination.

Carole is an independent officer of the examination and works on the Inspector’s behalf, organising and managing the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process.  The Programme Officer acts as the contact for anyone who has an interest in the examination, liaising between the Inspector, representors and ourselves.

Any matters that you may wish to raise with the Inspector should be submitted through the Programme Officer.

Programme Officer contact details

Carole Crookes, Independent Programme Officer Solutions

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