Car parking strategy
Welcome to our car parking strategy 2019-2029. This sets out our plans and ambitions for our car parks for the next 10 years.
We have a wide range of car parks in Newcastle town centre which are recognised to play an important role in the operation of the town centre for visitors and businesses.
This strategy sets out how we will use these resources to balance the demands of the various users of car parks, support town centre businesses, and ensure operational costs are met.
Importantly, we want to work with partners including the Business Improvement District (BID) to ensure that our car parks meet the needs of local businesses. Equally, we are committed to investing in our car parks to ensure that they meet the developing expectations of customers and maximise the use of developing technology.
Management of our car parks also relates to the use of cars in our town centre and through our commitment to reducing carbon emissions it is important that the car parks support good traffic and parking practices and the use of electric vehicles.
Councillor Sweeney