Car parking strategy

Our car parks

Analysis of the car park use, condition and finance are included in the appendices. Key information is:

  • we have 13 car parks in and around the town centre, which provide 1476 spaces
  • there are a mix of pay and display car parks and permit only car parks
  • 523,791 customers use our car parks each year, of which 211,499 park on the Midway car park
  • in 2018-19 1,587 permits were purchased over the 4 quarters
  • the net income for the car parks in 2018-19 is £66,652 (inclusive of support service recharges and capital financing charges)
  • Corporation Street generates the greatest revenue per space as a short-term central small car park
  • 8.95% of transactions are cashless and there is an opportunity to increase this and improve customer experience
  • 73% of customers park for 2 hours or less. Including the after 3:00 p.m. customers into this increases the percentage to 84%

Car parking income assists in supporting our balanced budget, and any adverse variance places additional pressures on achieving this. During 2018-19, our car parks generated £66,000 surplus.

2018-19 car parking income/expenditure


  • actual £134,183
  • budget £125,400
  • variance -£8,783


  • actual £253,008
  • budget £250,540
  • variance -£2,468

Supplies and services

  • actual £70,055
  • budget £101,630
  • variance £31,575

Support services recharges

  • actual £70,824
  • budget £71,600
  • variance £776

Capital financing

  • actual £373,549
  • budget £183,840
  • variance -£189,709

Customer receipts

  • actual -£951,516
  • budget -£1,087,500
  • variance -£135,984


  • actual -£16,555
  • budget -£63,300
  • variance -£46,745


  • actual -£66,452
  • budget -£417,790
  • variance -£351,338

Analysis of specific car parks and their ability to generate income is undertaken below, this identifies how much income overall each space is generating. This highlights that our car park on Corporation Street achieves the highest return per space. This specific car park is a small short stay car park, and is situated in close proximity to the county council's on-street parking.

The car park on School Street/Barracks Road is in constant use by both users of the Jubilee2 leisure centre, and Exercise4less that is located next door. This generates a significant amount of income per space. The Midway car park, our largest parking facility, has a smaller return per parking space, despite generating the largest overall return of £241,000. This highlights that the Midway doesn't achieve the occupancy levels that it may have done in the past.

2018-19 income/expenditure per car park


  • number of spaces 25
  • total income -£4,373
  • total expenditure £3,192
  • net income/expenditure -£1,180
  • income per space -£47

Cherry Orchard

  • number of spaces 24
  • total income -£34,129
  • total expenditure £9,755
  • net income/expenditure -£24,373
  • income per space -£1,016

Corporation Street

  • number of spaces 9
  • total income -£26,565
  • total expenditure £7,245
  • net income/expenditure -£19,319
  • income per space -£2,147

Goose Street

  • number of spaces 113
  • total income -£81,784
  • total expenditure £32,889
  • net income/expenditure -£48,895
  • income per space -£433

Hassell Street

  • number of spaces 39
  • total income -£39,689
  • total expenditure £12,529
  • net income/expenditure -£27,159
  • income per space -£696

King Street

  • number of spaces 170
  • total income -£67,601
  • total expenditure £23,963
  • net income/expenditure -£43,638
  • income per space -£257

Merrial Street

  • number of spaces 16
  • total income -£4,377
  • total expenditure £2,872
  • net income/expenditure -£1,505
  • income per space -£94


  • number of spaces 655
  • total income -£465,414
  • total expenditure £224,079
  • net income/expenditure -£241,334
  • income per space -£368


  • number of spaces 214
  • total income -£146,662
  • total expenditure £28,291
  • net income/expenditure -£118,371
  • income per space -£553

School Street/Barracks Road

  • number of spaces 40
  • total income -£77,357
  • total expenditure £29,768
  • net income/expenditure -£47,58
  • income per space -£1,190

Silverdale Road

  • number of spaces 65
  • total income -£49,730
  • total expenditure £13,925
  • net income/expenditure -£35,806
  • income per space -£551

Windsor Road

  • number of spaces 21
  • total income -£46,811
  • total expenditure £13,000
  • net income/expenditure -£33,811
  • income per space -£1,610


  • total income -£14,727
  • total expenditure £29,972
  • net income/expenditure -£15,245

Total income incorporates a prorated percentage of income from penalty charge notices, based on the overall income generated by an individual car park.

Total expenditure includes a prorated percentage of general car parking expenditure, including enforcement and cash collections.

* 75% of Ryecroft income relates to the Staffordshire County Council proportion of the site.