Fraud response plan
Review outcomes
The Audit Manager will meet regularly with managers to review progress and determine further actions needed. Consultation with other officers will be undertaken as and when this is necessary. They will report progress to all relevant officers.
Our policy is to refer theft, fraud or corruption to the police for investigation and prosecution whenever possible. However, it's important to remember that the evidence for a successful prosecution must prove a case beyond all reasonable doubt, while disciplinary cases (including dismissal for gross misconduct) are decided on the balance of probabilities.
The Audit Manager will consult the Section 151 Officer, Head of Service, and the Human Resources Manager to determine whether any matter should be referred to the Police for criminal investigation.
The Head of Service must remedy control weaknesses identified during the course of an investigation. Internal Audit will provide advice and support on effective controls, and will ultimately include these in a report (though implementation should not be delayed until the report is issued)
The Audit Manager will cascade general points, issues and advice wider across the council.
Internal Audit will record all final outcomes on the theft, fraud, corruption and bribery register. This information informs future prevention strategies, and is used in reporting fraud and corruption.
In all cases, ours insurers should be informed of actual losses as soon as these have been firmly established. It is sensible to keep External Audit informed. The Communications team will be kept informed in order that publicity can be properly managed.