Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
Action plan - priority 4 - tackling rough sleeping
Via our outreach service, continue to respond to reports of rough sleeping and ensure this response adequately engages with rough sleepers
- Lead responsibility - Outreach service manager
- Resources - Commissioning funds
- Timescale - ongoing quarterly monitoring via contract
Raise awareness to the public on the extent of homelessness and rough sleeping and street begging and what the council and partners are doing about it
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator, partnerships
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - 2020
Develop the local make it count scheme
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator, partnerships
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - 2020
Look at options which would support the accommodation of people rough sleeping including (the severe weather emergency protocol (SWEP)) to ensure a multiagency approach can be called upon to end their street homelessness
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - 2020
Develop closer links with voluntary and community agencies, such as foodbanks and faith based organisations to promote effective local responses and consistency in tackling homelessness across the borough
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - 2020
Ensure those considered not in 'priority need' receive the same level of advice and assistance as those who trigger the statutory definition
- Lead responsibility - Housing strategy, NHA
- Resources - Housing Advice Service contract funding
- Timescale - ongoing
- Comments - quarterly contract monitoring
Explore the viability of launching a Housing First model of support to the most complex and vulnerable to sustain tenancies
- Lead responsibility - Housing strategy, Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - within current resources
- Timescale - 2020
Deliver, monitor and review existing rough sleeping services to ensure value for money and the objectives are met
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - within current resources
- Timescale - ongoing
- Comments - Current outreach contract expired in 2020
Work closely with the MHCLG rough sleeper advisor on existing and new grant opportunities a to shape services for 2020/21 and beyond
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - ongoing
Gather data on the rough sleeping population to inform future bids for funding and feed into future service provision
- Lead responsibility - Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - RSI Funding
- Timescale - 2020
Work with other statutory partners on identifying gaps in services for the most complex individuals
- Lead responsibility - Housing strategy, Rough sleeping co-ordinator
- Resources - within current resources
- Timescale - 2020