Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
Key facts
In addition to wider social and economic challenges that have contributed to homelessness and rough sleeping issues in the borough, there are also a range of factors that can lead to homelessness which have been identified from the findings of our homelessness review.
Headline data from review:
- the new statutory duties placed upon us by the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 mean more people qualify for assistance than under the previous legislation
- in addition to the national main causes of homelessness and loss of last settled home, domestic abuse, non-violent relationship breakdown and landlords wishing to sell or re-let their private rented tenancies are regular reasons why households in the borough are homeless or at risk of homelessness
- the majority of priority need homeless households are those with dependent children, mental illness or disability and domestic abuse
- households aged between 18 and 44 are the most common group owed a prevention or relief duty in the borough
- homelessness is not just a housing issue, many people faced with or at risk of homelessness have complex needs beyond the need for housing
- there has been a significant increase in households placed in temporary accommodation which places a strain on our resources
- the number of individuals who sleep rough in the borough remain in single figures per night and are relatively comparative to previous years. The 2019 annual rough sleeping estimate was 6. In 2018 the annual rough sleeping estimate was 4 and 5 in 2017