Register to vote
Registering as an overseas voter
From 16 January 2024, if you are a British citizen living abroad, you can register to vote as an overseas elector no matter how long ago you left the UK or were last registered to vote.
Overseas voters can vote in UK Parliamentary elections only. If you are out of the UK for six months or more, you should register as an overseas voter. You should submit your application as an overseas voter to the local authority area where you were last registered in the UK.
For new overseas registrations, your overseas declaration will now be valid for three years, lasting until 1 November in the third year after it takes effect (for example, if your declaration takes effect on 1 March 2024, it will expire on 1 November 2026). We will contact you when you are due to renew. If you do not renew, your record on the electoral register will be removed and you will need to re-register.
For existing overseas registrations who registered to vote before 16 January 2024, you will be required to renew your registration when your declaration expires after your current year before you move over to the new rules. We will contact you with further information when you are required to renew.
Existing overseas electors who applied for a proxy vote before 31 October 2023, your proxy vote will expire on 31 January 2024 and you will need to reapply for a proxy vote. We will contact all electors who this affects.
Existing overseas electors who applied for a long-term postal vote before 31 October 2023, this will now expire on 31 January 2026. We will contact you before your postal vote expires.
What information is needed?
To register online, you will need:
- your date of birth
- your National Insurance number. If you don't know where to find this, check your official paperwork including payslips, letters from the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) or your national insurance card
- your name
- your address
The process will take around five minutes to complete.