Greenhouse gas emissions from Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council's own estate and operations 2019 to 2020
The Climate Change Act 2008 requires the United Kingdom to reduce its carbon emissions by 100% by 2050 against a 1990 baseline and become net zero. Local authorities such as ourselves have a pivotal role to play when it comes to achieving this goal with the legislation placing an emphasis on councils to set a leading example.
We understand the importance of our role and have made a public commitment to delivering 'a healthy, active and safe borough' as one of our key corporate priorities identified in the current council plan. Furthermore, in April 2019, we passed a climate emergency motion. A central element of this was the aim of becoming carbon neutral with respect to our own estates and activities and those related to our residents and businesses.
This report sets out the greenhouse gas emissions from our own estate and operations using a standard format and methodology suggested by the government.