Kidsgrove Town Deal project: Shared Service Hub
The town investment plan for Kidsgrove has three objectives to help drive regeneration in the area.
The shared service hub will provide a modern facility that will provide a one-stop-shop for residents to access a range of services. The £6.5m Town Deal investment will also fund improved public realm work to define a clear route to the town centre from the station, the hub and the canal. The co-location of several convenient or essential services in the vicinity of the station will act as a bridge between the station and the rest of the town centre.
To give extra time to develop these new proposals Kidsgrove Town Deal Board requested and was granted an extension to the deadline for submitting the project to central government. The shared service hub was submitted in June 2022 and has now in the delivery stage.
Current sub-group membership
The project sub-group will oversee the progress of the project and report back to the main Kidsgrove Town Deal Board.
- Councillor Paul Waring (Chair) - Kidsgrove Town Centre CIC (Board member)
- Dan Gray - Aspire Group (Board member)
- Jonathan Gullis - MP (Board member)
- Graham Nolan - Aspire
- Tim Reeve - Aspire
- Gail Edwards - Staffordshire County Council
- Elaine Burgess - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (officer support)
- Trudi Barnard - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (officer support)
- Hal Higgins - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (project manager)