
Open art and craft exhibition

Open art and craft 2024 looking through the arch

At the Brampton Museum we hold an open art and craft exhibition every two years. Anyone who lives, works or studies in Staffordshire can enter 2D or 3D work.

The latest show, the Open Art and Craft Exhibition 2024 is currently on display in our gallery and highlights the artistic talent of our county. The work on display ranges from ceramic and sculptural pieces to 2D work in a range of styles and genres. Our panel of judges were impressed by the high quality of the submissions we receieved and the exhibition is an ecletic and interesting collection.

All works on display are for sale and work purchased will be available to collect from early December (in case you're shopping for Christmas gifts)!

The Open Art and Craft Exhibition will be on show at the museum until Sunday 22 December 2024. 

Admission is free and the museum is open 10am to 5pm Tuesdays to Saturdays and 1.30 to 5pm on Sundays.