Newcastle-under-Lyme Town Deal member profiles

Knights PLC

Carl Copestake - Partner, Planning team

Board role



Knights is a legal and professional services business with offices in 23 UK based locations - its headquarters is based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, on the periphery of the town centre.

Carl is a chartered town planner and partner at Knights PLC and heads up its team of town planners and planning lawyers. Following graduation in urban planning, he worked as a planning officer with Stoke-on-Trent City Council for seven years and then entered the private sector.

He also sits on the British Chamber of Commerce Expert Planning Panel.

Carl is chair of the Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce’s Planning and Infrastructure Planning Forum. He is also a resident of Newcastle-under-Lyme and has assisted Madeley Parish Council (where he lives) with the drafting of their neighbourhood plan.