Housing Strategy

Delivery and action plan

The following information collates the objectives identified through the strategy. In order for them to be translated into specific actions they will be incorporated into service area annual service plans. This allows for detailed planning including:

  • any challenges being faced
  • financial details
  • equality assessments and risk assessments
  • targets
  • timescales
  • responsibility

An annual report on activities and outcomes from the housing strategy will be published on our website.

Housing, health and wellbeing and partnerships

To integrate the housing and health and wellbeing agendas


  • to seek to influence local commissioning and provider’s plans to ensure they work together for a common purpose
  • to continue to lead the work of the Newcastle Partnership to identify opportunities for joint working and responding to local needs
  • to facilitate the availability and encourage the further development of supported accommodation for our residents who have a range of needs, including physical and/or mental health needs, challenging behaviours and homelessness
  • to work in partnership to deliver an efficient and responsive grants service for adaptations
  • to seek external funding opportunities for the ongoing development of additional supported accommodation with local providers, particularly for those customers with complex needs
  • to encourage local specialist providers to provide supported accommodation that meets the needs of borough  residents, using intelligence we have from the housing advice and housing register functions
  • to contribute to the delivery of the actions in the health and wellbeing strategy

To improve housing standards and the energy efficiency of the housing stock


  • to improve housing standards and the energy efficiency of the housing stock
  • to target the worst performing landlords with the poorest quality housing
  • to support responsible landlords and work with them to become professional and grow their business
  • to continue to commit to the Landlord Accreditation Scheme: North Staffordshire
  • to use our stock modelling and other available intelligence to target properties for a pro-active programme of inspections and use our statutory powers to ensure they comply with legal duties
  • to use the full range of tools and powers available to us to return empty homes to use
  • to continue to work with Beat the Cold to support households out of fuel poverty
  • to continue to work with Staffordshire Warmer Homes' scheme to bid for funding and deliver energy efficient projects focusing on external wall insulation, loft insulation, air source heat pumps and Solar PV

Housing and economic recovery

To develop a housing market that is vibrant and economically prosperous, which will meet the needs of our residents


  • to ensure that housing needs are properly assessed and quantified by updating the local evidence base, including the strategic housing market assessment (SHMA) and the gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment (GTAA)
  • to develop and enhance policies to further improve housing standards in the borough, including design, accessibility, security and environmental performance, taking account of developing national guidelines and published evidence
  • to adopt a new a local plan which has a strong planning framework which embodies the principles of sustainability affordability and integration

To facilitate the development of a range of affordable housing, that meets identified housing needs


  • to adopt a local plan with an affordable housing policy to meet the identified need
  • to continue to work collaboratively with partner organisations, registered providers and Homes England to maximise new affordable housing supply and deliver a real, long term increase in the size of the social housing sector

To take on the direct role of developing housing, specifically on our own land


  • to continue to implement the asset management strategy
  • seek to work jointly with registered providers to deliver housing on our land via a commercial arrangement

To contribute to the economic regeneration of the high street by incorporating mixed use developments within town centres


  • to use the Town Deal and future High Street funding to work alongside private investment to unlock key sites both at the gateways to the town centre and in the town centre core
  • to encourage the development of residential units in sustainable locations within the town centres, which will provide doorstep access to retail, leisure and services, supporting the healthy economy of the town and adding to its footfall

Homelessness and rough sleeping

To provide early intervention and partnership working to prevent homelessness


  • to ensure that a range of homelessness prevention tools are developed for use by the Newcastle Housing Advice (NHA) service
  • to establish appropriate data sharing protocols, in order to allow for greater communication about cases to assist individuals and the wider community
  • contribute to the work of the borough's Vulnerability (Harm Reduction) Hub and multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC)
  • to seek continual improvements to services for our customers, including development of digital accessibility
  • to explore how the private rented sector can contribute to meeting housing need

To support those who are faced with homelessness issues, specifically, those rough sleeping


  • to actively seek funding opportunities to maintain the rough sleeper co-ordinator and navigator roles
  • to continue to monitor and identify our local needs and be able to feed these into future strategic plans
  • to work closely with MHCLG colleagues to develop more innovative solutions and housing options for our residents with complex needs
  • to work with other commissioners to influence the development of joined up services for customers who are homeless and who have complex needs
  • to provide appropriate housing pathways off the streets for those who are sleeping rough in our borough
  • deliver the objectives highlighted in the homelessness strategy action plan

To operate a housing allocation system, both registration and allocation which will allow those in housing need to be able to access appropriate social housing


  • to continue to work with our registered provider partners to ensure that the joint housing allocation policy and housing register are working well to ensure households with a housing need gain appropriate access to available social housing stock
  • contribute to the work of the North Staffordshire lettings forum to encourage good practice and opportunities for joint working with registered providers in the borough
  • to continue to work with registered providers to increase the supply of social housing in the borough

To create more emergency and temporary accommodation options, which are cost effective with the appropriate support


  • to continue to monitor the use and the costs of temporary accommodation
  • to implement the objectives of the temporary accommodation policy, to ensure that household have access to suitable emergency and/or temporary accommodation for an appropriate duration
  • to create appropriate temporary accommodation pathways for homeless individuals with complex needs to encourage continued engagement
  • seek to minimise the use of temporary accommodation by preventing and reducing homelessness where possible
  • to identify opportunities that bridge the gap between temporary accommodation and longer-term housing opportunities

Download our Housing Strategy review