Safeguarding children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect policy and procedure
Responding to allegations against staff and volunteers
Detailed procedures and guidance relating to the management of allegations against people who work with children are contained within the following documents:
- SSCB inter-agency procedures: Section 4HA
It is essential that any concerns for the welfare of a child arising from abuse or harassment by a member of staff or a volunteer should be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer or deputy and the Head of Human Resources.
If the matter does not meet the threshold for significant harm the Head of Human Resources or designated safeguarding officer or deputy will contact the Staffordshire Children's Advice Service (formerly First Response) and speak to the LADO within 24 hours.
The LADO is a statutory role in relation to allegations against children, as defined in Working Together (2018). They provide an initial discussion which allows for the giving of advice and guidance relating to the most appropriate way of managing the allegation or concern, and most importantly will help establish what the next steps should be in terms of investigating the matter further.
The LADO will liaise with the police and children's social care safeguarding teams when appropriate, and also discuss with the designated safeguarding lead or deputy other issues such as:
- notifying the child's parents/carers
- suspending the adult
- risks to other children
- communication with relevant other organisations/bodies
- supporting the adult and possible media interest
The LADO will also monitor the progress of an investigation and assist an employer in the taking of any difficult judgments about a person's suitability to remain in the children's workforce.
Abuse or harassment of an adult
If the allegation is in respect of abuse or harassment of an adult, our designated safeguarding officer will make a referral to Adult Protection Contact Centre on 0345 604 2719.