Safeguarding children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect policy and procedure
Safeguarding training will be made available to and should be undertaken by all staff, members and volunteers, to a minimum of a Level 1 standard. The Level 1 training is available as e-learning on the SSCB's website for children safeguarding and on the Learning Hub e-learning portal for adult safeguarding.
Level 1 training
This should be undertaken by all new employees or volunteers, within 3 months of commencement, as part of their induction process. It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure completion. Level 1 training should be undertaken by all employees, elected members and volunteers every 3 years.
Face to face sessions for delivery of the level 1 training will also be made available to staff without access to a computer and to the borough's licensed taxi drivers.
Level 2 and 3 safeguarding training
This will be made available to (and undertaken by) staff with (or likely to have) contact with children and/or adults at risk, or delivering the role of a Safeguarding Champion within the organisation e.g. Working Together, Safe Recruitment etc. Arrangements for this will be made with Human Resources and Staffordshire Safeguarding Children's Board, as this training became chargeable from April 2020.
Level 4 safeguarding training
This will be provided to (and undertaken by staff) with a responsibility for safeguarding in their job description, for example, the Chief Executive, Head of Human Resources and the assigned designated lead officers. As above, arrangements for this will be made with Human Resources and Staffordshire Safeguarding Children's Board, as this training became chargeable from April 2020.