Safeguarding children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect policy and procedure

Support for the referrer

We will fully support and protect all elected members, employees or volunteers who, in good faith (without malicious intent), make a referral about a colleague who may be abusing a child or adult and report his or her concern about a colleague’s practice.

This support may take the form of counselling through our service, moving the person reporting the abuse or potential abuse to another workplace temporarily whilst the incident is investigated. We also have a whistleblowing procedure which a referrer can follow if there are reasons why the standard procedures for dealing with allegations make them feel particularly vulnerable, or if they consider their concerns are not being acted upon appropriately. However, all elected members, employees or volunteers have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and in order to investigate concerns robustly it may not be possible to maintain complete anonymity, but the interests of the referrer will be protected when concerns are raised.


There may be a number of strands to a child or adult safeguarding enquiry, for example:

  • professional strategy meetings
  • child protection conferences and core groups
  • criminal investigations
  • joint evaluation meetings (under Staffordshire LADO procedures)
  • disciplinary investigations

Elected members, employees or volunteers may need to be involved as witnesses, holders of key information, or with regard to ongoing processes around protection and welfare.