Annual canvass

‘CCA’ reference letter

If you have received a letter with reference number 'CCA', this means we believe the information held on the register is correct but we have been unable to contact you by email. 

CCA reference letters for the 2024 annual canvass will be sent around 26 September 2024.

Please note: you only need to respond to this communication if the details listed are not correct.

How do I respond?

To respond, you will need to visit the household update service page. You will need to login with your security codes and postcode.

Your security codes can be found on the communication we have issued. The site will then direct you through confirming your details or making any changes.

Removing people from the records

If you are removing people from our records, you will not need to take any further action once your response is submitted.

Adding a new person

If you are adding a new person on, this person will also need to complete the registration process.

The quickest way is to register online on the Gov.UK website. Alternatively, a registration form will be issued by email or post for completion.