Growth Deal joint plan

This Growth Deal is a joint initiative between Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (NBC) and Staffordshire County Council (SCC) that reflects the strength and commitment to two-tier local government in the borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme. It provides the opportunity through a strategic alliance for both authorities to agree a focus on those key priorities that can only be delivered by our working together.

“The Deal sets out how, with others, especially the borough's residents, we will deliver inclusive economic and community growth in priority areas. We want inclusive growth that creates opportunity for all of the local population whether in direct monetary value or through other community focused benefits. In order to do this effectively we have agreed to focus our resources into a small number of key priority activities and initiatives over the next three years; laying the foundations for longer term increased prosperity for the borough.”

Councillor Philip Atkins, Leader, Staffordshire County Council

“This Growth Deal sets out a clear and focused programme of investment priorities that will help to shape and proactively influence the type of housing and employment opportunities that our current and future communities will need over the next decade and more. This plan is deliberately ambitious and will need the drive and determination of both councils, our key partners and communities to be delivered.”

Councillor Simon Tagg, Leader, Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council


Newcastle-under-Lyme is a leading location for inclusive economic growth. In the future it will offer a wider choice of housing, a more diverse, sustainable and skilled economy and improved wellbeing that will enhance the lives of all parts of the community, offering a unique and distinctive environment and building on the creative heritage of North Staffordshire.