Growth Deal joint plan
Priorities: housing
The government is encouraging the building of more homes and seeking to accelerate housing delivery through a variety of means such as simplification of the town planning system and reducing barriers to development.
We are working with Stoke-on-Trent City Council to prepare a new joint local plan to identify suitable land for housing over the next 15 years. In order to inform the plan, we have commissioned an up-to-date strategic housing market assessment. This has identified a preferred option for us to aim at an economic growth-led housing target of just under 12,000 dwellings by 2033.
Both councils are significant land owners in the borough and wish to contribute to the supply of housing sites by bringing forward appropriate land for development. In doing so it provides opportunities to engage with the house building industry through a range of approaches including collaborations with the registered providers as well as traditional private sector developers. Also there will be scope to promote self-build and modern methods of construction.