Growth Deal joint plan

Key principles and strategic direction


  • To reflect our joint commitment to working together in a two-tier local government context, with other partners where appropriate, with agreed priorities for investment
  • To demonstrate our commitment to inclusive growth and thereby optimising the prospects of delivering more homes, jobs and opportunities for our community in the context of our economic development strategy and emerging joint local plan
  • To outline the delivery mechanism for our agreed priorities


To ensure economic growth that delivers housing, jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities so that Newcastle-under-Lyme and its communities can thrive.

Key principles

The key principles for the Growth Deal are:

  • to identify key priorities for delivering an inclusive growth agenda in the context of our economic development strategy
  • to fund the necessary infrastructure wherever possible (highways, education, health and leisure) through development
  • in those instances where we have agreed capital investment priorities we will seek to reinvest in whole or in part any value captured from
  • land/property rationalisation
  • focus on a small number of priorities that are feasible, achievable and will make a difference
  • proactive intervention in growth and development activities

Key deliverables

The key deliverables for the Growth Deal are:

  • to contribute towards the delivery of housing and employment targets as set out in the emerging joint local plan
  • to deliver inclusive economic and business growth by supporting a high performing, relevant and responsive education and skills system
  • to be a place where improved health and wellbeing is experienced by all with a focus on economic and community growth in Newcastle and Kidsgrove town centres along with Knutton and Keele and their surrounding areas