Growth Deal joint plan

Proposed actions: our action plan

Enhanced two-tier working (1)

General aim

Approval of this Growth Deal will demonstrate our commitment to joint working within the two-tier local government arrangements in order to achieve improvement in the economic, social and environmental well-being of our communities.

Specific actions

To commit the necessary officer resources to jointly prepare the detailed plans, initiatives and any associated business cases to achieve the objectives of this Growth Deal.

To commit, in principle, the necessary capital and revenue funding required to deliver this Growth Deal's objectives through reinvestment of the value captured from the disposal of local authority-owned assets where appropriate in the area and efficiencies generated within services.

Next steps

To make provision for any necessary officer resources through respective service and financial planning.

To make provision, in principle, through respective budget-setting and medium-term financial planning arrangements.

Enhanced two-tier working (2)

General aim

To optimise the use of resources of the two councils.

Specific actions

The two councils will exploit this strategic alliance to explore the scope for greater co-working to achieve efficiencies in service delivery and improve customer service.

Next steps

To review the working arrangements in Castle House and in other areas with the aim of moving from co-location to co-working wherever appropriate.

Town centre: Newcastle-under-Lyme (1)

General aim

The two councils will work together, using the redevelopment opportunities presented by the respective land and property assets of the two parties, to ensure that Newcastle town centre becomes a more vibrant thriving and sustainable town centre.

Specific actions

We will work to ensure delivery of a high impact, high quality, accommodation led development on the Ryecroft site; a development that will enhance the town centre environment and increase footfall to benefit the town centre economy.

Next steps

Jointly procure specialist consultants to advise on the most appropriate redevelopment scheme balancing commercial deliverability with impact.

Agree preferred development option and approach to delivery.

Town centre: Newcastle-under-Lyme (2)

General aim

In order to facilitate ongoing enhancement of our public realm, including the further development of spaces for cultural activities, town centre events and smarter car parking, we will seek to exploit opportunities for levering further capital investment into the town centre public realm.

Specific actions

We will develop a clear strategy for town centre public realm and seek to fund it through a variety of mechanisms including planning obligations and external funding.

Next steps

Commission preparation of a public realm strategy.

Prepare delivery framework.

Town centre: Newcastle-under-Lyme (3)

General aim

To ensure the long-term sustainability of Newcastle's general market in the town centre as a key feature in the retail economy.

Specific actions

NBC to complete a review of the general market by summer 2019 with the aim being to establish a clear improvement plan.

Next steps

NBC to work with partners including the Town Centre BID to explore future management and operational arrangements.

Town centre: Kidsgrove

General aim

The two councils will work together, using the redevelopment opportunities presented by the respective land and property assets and working with other partners to create a stronger sense of place for Kidsgrove town centre and ensure that it becomes a more vibrant, thriving and sustainable town centre.

Specific actions

We will work to ensure delivery of a new centrally-located hub for Kidsgrove to include a mixture of public sector uses and a new leisure centre for the town that will enhance the town centre environment and increase footfall to benefit the town centre economy.

Next steps

Commission and execute preparation of an outline business case for the new hub.

Subject to the outcome of the latter prepare funding package for approval.


General aim

To create a stronger sense of place for the urban village of Knutton that recognises its history whilst seeking to develop the opportunities presented by under-used public assets.

Specific actions

To develop a comprehensive regeneration plan for Knutton including providing homes to support increased housing choice for local people.

Next steps

To commission preparation of a comprehensive plan for the village focussed upon the re-use and development of council-owned land and property assets, including a bid to OPE Round 7.

Keele University Growth Corridor

General aim

To optimise the academic and economic growth potential of the University and its Science and Innovation Park and to facilitate the building of new homes as part of a sustainable community.

Specific actions

To promote the approved vision for growth in this corridor through the joint local plan process.

Next steps

To contribute towards any necessary detailed transport modelling to ensure that any required highway infrastructure improvement can be designed and implemented thereby mitigating traffic impacts in the locality.


General aim

To accelerate delivery of housing in the Borough by creative use of enabling powers and exploration of new models of housing delivery working with partners in the sector.

Specific actions

To explore the scope for the two councils bringing forward new models of housing delivery to accelerate supply of housing including use of modern methods of construction (MMC) and self-build.

Next steps

To work with the Local Government Association-funded housing advisors programme using Knutton as a pilot to feed into any future comprehensive plan (see the Knutton action above).

Housing and jobs

General aim

NBC to make provision for new homes across the borough in a sustainable way to meet forecasted housing needs and to earmark land for employment development in order to increase the supply of jobs.

Specific actions

Commissioning up-to-date evidence to inform future requirements for housing and jobs including support from Staffordshire County Council regarding anticipated infrastructure requirements.

Next steps

NBC to have prepared a draft joint local plan by autumn 2019 that will provide for both housing and employment sites to meet forecast requirements.

SCC to have completed an infrastructure strategy to feed into and inform the Joint Local Plan site allocations process.

Employment and skills

General aim

To promote upskilling of local people in order that they can take advantage of future employment opportunities in our area.

Specific actions

To work with the two universities, Newcastle and Stafford College Group, local providers and local schools to promote improvement in academic achievement and to raise the aspirations of our young people.

Next steps

To reduce the 4,000+ long-term unemployed by providing a comprehensive programme of training and upskilling into work.

Housing, jobs and skills

General aim

To review the opportunities for our communities to exploit connectivity to HS2 stations in the sub-region or to enhance the attractiveness of the area to commuters.

Specific actions

To participate actively as a member of the Constellation Partnership.

Next steps

To contribute to the preparation of a 10-year delivery plan.

To explore opportunities for improving the borough's transport infrastructure as the plans for HS2 emerge.